All presentations and the video recording of the ASERCOM Convention 2022 are now available online. After a short registration, all interested parties from industry, administration and associations can view the convention with its numerous presentations and status reports. All presentation slides are available for download as PDF files.

At the ASERCOM Convention, there was intensive discussion about the future shape of the industry. In view of the F-Gas revision and the impending ban on the „Forever Chemicals“ of the PFAS group of substances, there was much uncertainty about the future framework conditions of the HVAC&R industry. Many questions could be discussed in direct exchange during the panel discussion with Bente Tranholm-Schwarz (DG Clima) and Frauke Averbeck (BAuA).

Time Title Speaker
9.00 Opening Wolfgang Zaremski, President ASERCOM
Key trends and their impact on the industry from ASERCOM’s perspective





Directives & Regulation

ASERCOM Working Group Leaders

Wolfgang Zaremski

Julian Pfaffl, Norbert Kaemmer

Christian Ellwein

Heinz Jürgensen

Dina Koepke

10.00 Scientific keynote: energy & climate – What lies ahead? Sandrine Dixon-Declève, Club of Rome
11.00 Coffee Break
11.30 “Fit for 55” Davide Polverini, DG ENTR
11.50 State of the F-Gas revision Bente Tranholm-Schwarz, DG Clima
12.10 Panel Discussion: How regulations can impact the use of refrigerants – current aspects and future prospects
REACH: Regulation that shapes the industry Frauke Averbeck, BAuA
PFAS from an US perspective Stephen R. Yurek, AHRI
Impact of PFAS/TFAs in the HVAC&R industry Dina Koepke, ASERCOM
13.10 Open discussion: How the HVAC&R industry has overcome the last years challenges and what we can expect for the future
13.45 Summary and closing remarks Rainer Große-Kracht, Chairman ASERCOM
14.00 Get-together