
ASERCOM Network News

CR Expo postponed

mars 18th, 2022|

Due to the current pandemic situation, for the health and safety as our top priority, the organizing committee of CR expo have decided to reschedule the upcoming edition of the event which was to take place from 11-13 April, 2022 at CHONGQING. The rescheduled [...]

F-Gas revision: Industry gathering with EU representatitves

février 25th, 2022|

More than 80 participants recently discussed the revision of the F-Gas Regulation with Bente Tranholm-Schwarz from the EU Commission and Samantha Bedry, UK DEFRA, at the invitation of EPEE. Several representatives from ASERCOM contributed to this event. Tranholm-Schwarz renewed the commitment [...]

ASERCOM input to the ENTR Lot 1 review process

février 24th, 2022|

ENTR Lot 1 on professional refrigeration is currently due for review. With the condensing units experts at ASERCOM we are thankful for the opportunity to provide input to the ENTR Lot 1 review process. We participated at the stakeholder meeting and have now [...]

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