
ASERCOM Network News

19th European Conference Milano – ASERCOM Review

juin 29th, 2021|

At the 19th European Conference of the Centro Studi Galileo at the Poltecnico di Milano, ASERCOM President Wolfgang Zaremski also gave a presentation in the fourth session "Regulations & Certifications Globally". He commented on Europe's climate and energy policy goals and framework [...]

ASERCOM publishes recommendation for correct product information

juin 28th, 2021|

New Ecodesign regulation applies from 1 July 2021 for motors and variable speed drives. ASERCOM, the association of European manufacturers of refrigeration and air conditioning components, has published guidance on the product information requirements of motors and variable speed drives integrated in [...]

Happy birthday, Lord Kelvin. It’s World Refrigeration Day.

juin 25th, 2021|

Lord Kelvin was born 197 years ago: June 26th. Okay, that's not news yet. But 26 June is World Refrigeration Day. This day is the focus of the global campaign of the HVAC&R industry. Der World Refrigeration Day focuses attention on the [...]

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