
ASERCOM Network News

F-Gas Stakeholder Meeting Mai 6th 2021 with DG Clima

mai 28th, 2021|

ASERCOM has contributed to a joint statement of European associations on the revision of the F-Gas Regulation to the responsible unit of the EU Commission. Together with 13 other associations, ASERCOM has drawn a first conclusion of the workshop on the [...]

A2L Refrigerants and Tactical Considerations for Firefighters

mai 6th, 2021|

The UL Firefighter Safety Research Institute, in partnership with members of the fire service, and the Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI), developed firefighter training related to the refrigerant transition mandated by both federal and state regulations. During the next [...]

AHRI Report 8028 on the safe use of A2L refrigerants published

mai 3rd, 2021|

The US Air-Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute AHRI has now published a comprehensive handbook on the safe use of A2L refrigerants. The report is available free of charge here. The restriction on the use of the most common F-gas refrigerants has given [...]

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