
ASERCOM Network News

ASERCOM Convention 2024: A Resounding Success in Shaping a Sustainable Future

Februar 21st, 2024|

The ASERCOM Convention 2024, held on February 2nd in Brussels, has marked a significant milestone in the journey towards a sustainable future in refrigeration and air conditioning. With an assembly of approximately 80 stakeholders from industry, associations, policy-making, and end-users, the [...]

Navigating the Impact of New F-Gas Regulations on the Fish Industry

Februar 19th, 2024|

The fish industry, like any other, will be severely impacted by the new F-gas Regulation, and all entrepreneurs and owners of refrigeration plants must be aware of the changes to plan their future activities effectively. Marco Masini, president of ASERCOM, was invited [...]

MODINE becomes a member of ASERCOM

Februar 2nd, 2024|

"We are very happy to welcome MODINE to the Association!" says Marco Masini, President of ASERCOM. "We are pleased to have this primary manufacturer on board. We look forward to the many new opportunities this will open up in the future." "ASERCOM [...]

ASERCOMs Market Insights

704, 2021

Italy and F-Gas Review: what expectations?

April 7th, 2021|

Market Insight from our Italian correspondent Luisa-Maria Doldi The ongoing revision of EU F-Gas Regulation 517/2014 is a delicate and crucial step that will influence cooling policies at least until 2030. It is also an opportunity to reflect on how each [...]

203, 2021

UK refrigeration sector looks to a new future

März 2nd, 2021|

Market Insight from our UK correspondent Brian Hicks The electorate of the UK voted on 23 June 2016 to leave the European Union and those wishes were finally granted at the end of 2020. Many EU companies had been preparing for [...]

1401, 2021

Highlights: 10th IIR conference ON COMPRESSORS

Januar 14th, 2021|

Highlights: 10th IIR conference ON COMPRESSORS Online from Slovakia 13th January 2021 88 registrations, max 219 attendees on one session (including not registered participants) and 800 views. Peter Tomlein, Conference Secretary Since 1995 already 10 conferences on compressors were held in Slovakia. [...]

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