
ASERCOM Network News

« We want to achieve the target of decarbonisation »

janvier 11th, 2023|

European bodies and institutions are on the last mile in the discussion on how to improve the new F-Gas regulation. Given the large contribution the HVAC&R industry can make to decarbonisation, it is important to keep an eye on the actual technology [...]

German associations publish emergency letter

octobre 28th, 2022|

"A Threat to the Economy and Climate Protection" “It is very important to collect contractors position in each member state" – says Dr. Marco Masini, president of ASERCOM. "These voices, coming from people and workers in the field, together with manufacturer’s [...]

ASERCOM EPEE AREA – Cocktail Reception: Our Review

octobre 13th, 2022|

Informal exchange and networking were the top priorities at the traditional joint reception of AREA, EPEE and ASERCOM. After four years, it turned into an excellently attended reunion party: more than 70 members and friends of the three associations met for [...]

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