ASERCOM Certificates

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We’re back: full house at ASERCOM EPEE Symposium 2022

October 11th, 2022|

EU urges HVAC&R industry to change The rows at this year's ASERCOM EPEE Symposium on the day before Chillventa in Nuremberg were packed. ASERCOM President Marco Masini says: "The symposium rows were filled to capacity and everybody was glued to the [...]

ASERCOM welcomes Güntner

October 10th, 2022|

ASERCOM, the Association of European Refrigeration Component Manufacturers, today announces the membership of German refrigeration manufacturer Güntner. The company, headquartered in Munich, Germany, with 50 subsidiaries and 6 factories around the world, manufactures a wide range of cooling systems and heat exchange [...]

Generation change at the top of ASERCOM

June 27th, 2022|

In challenging times, ASERCOM is rejuvenating at the top: Marco Masini will become the new President of ASERCOM, the European Association of Refrigeration Component Manufacturers, on 1 July 2022. He succeeds Wolfgang Zaremski, who will step down on 30 June 2022. “In [...]

ASERCOM Convention 2022: All presentations now online

May 12th, 2022|

All presentations and the video recording of the ASERCOM Convention 2022 are now available online. After a short registration, all interested parties from industry, administration and associations can view the convention with its numerous presentations and status reports. All presentation slides [...]


R404A, Flammable Refrigerants, protect your Business


for Condensing Units: find about 6800 Units in the List


Safety Standards and Components for flammable Refrigerants


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