ASERCOM Certificates

We make your voice heard in Europe

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Review of several Ecodesign Regulations

January 31st, 2022|

As the first point of contact for all matters related to condensing units, ASERCOM closely accompanies regulation. Several Ecodesign Regulations are currently being evaluated in some areas and in order to prepare for a potential revision. On the one hand, this [...]

POSTPONED to 28 April 2022: ASERCOM Convention and General Assembly in 2022

December 15th, 2021|

As every year, it was planned that the ASERCOM Convention and General Assembly take place at the end of January. But due to COVID-19 travel restrictions ASERCOM decided to postpone the event: On 28 April 2022, ASERCOM invites the industry to the [...]

19th European Conference Milano – ASERCOM Review

June 29th, 2021|

At the 19th European Conference of the Centro Studi Galileo at the Poltecnico di Milano, ASERCOM President Wolfgang Zaremski also gave a presentation in the fourth session "Regulations & Certifications Globally". He commented on Europe's climate and energy policy goals and framework [...]

ASERCOM publishes recommendation for correct product information

June 28th, 2021|

New Ecodesign regulation applies from 1 July 2021 for motors and variable speed drives. ASERCOM, the association of European manufacturers of refrigeration and air conditioning components, has published guidance on the product information requirements of motors and variable speed drives integrated in [...]


R404A, Flammable Refrigerants, protect your Business


for Condensing Units: find about 6800 Units in the List


Safety Standards and Components for flammable Refrigerants


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